La Clemenza Di Titio

As my final UNCSA production of my undergraduate career I had the opportunity to be the Props Director for the Fall Opera. Although, upon first glance, the props list was shorter than usual for an opera of this size, it was no walk in the park. Due to the minimal props and furniture, each piece needed to be historically accurate while matching the design for the world it was the inhabit. Since the production has two major looks, a pre and post revolution look, most of the furniture has to have a duplicate that had the look that it had been burned or covered in rubble and dust. In collaboration with the Scenic Designer, we were able to develop set dressing and furniture pieces that could easily and effectively be swapped out during intermission for the shift from pre to post revolution. The swap-able set dressing included bundles of vine that coated the scenery to traditionally-made Roman amphora to “soft” ash piles units that contained chunks of broken pottery.

Scenic Designer: Nadir Bey

Director: Steve LaCrosse

Assistant: Katie Gallegos • Lead Artisan: Hunter Booth

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American Voices: Two One-Act Plays

A Moviestar Must Star in Black and White

Suddenly Last Summer

This UNCSA production is combination of two American author, Adrienne Kennedy and Tennessee Williams, classic plays performed in rep of each other at the Hanesbrand Theater in downtown Winston-Salem, NC. From custom ‘larger-than-life” carnivorous plants to a drivable 12’ row boat to 3D printed film replicas, this prop heavy productions presented sourcing and fabrication challenges. As Properties Director I have the opportunity to work with two Assistants, be in charge of a crew of 20+ artisans, and collaborate with Scenery, Electrics, and Automation.

Scenic Designer: Calvin Stara

Director: Cameron Knight

Assistants: Jack Covitz and Jennings Leonard

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